This book is an erotic romance meant for readers 18 and up NC-17
Sara was an innocent virgin who married what she thought was the love of her life. Now 10 years and 1 failed marriage later. Sara is starting fresh. Everything is new her home, car, job even the state she lives in. But having only been with one man in her life is Sara ready for a new lover? Eric seems to think so even if she doesn't. This bad boy may have quit the streets and turned his life around that doesn't mean he's no longer hard or dominant. He's going to show Sara that he is the man for her whether she's ready or not.
Sara was an innocent virgin who married what she thought was the love of her life. Now 10 years and 1 failed marriage later. Sara is starting fresh. Everything is new her home, car, job even the state she lives in. But having only been with one man in her life is Sara ready for a new lover? Eric seems to think so even if she doesn't. This bad boy may have quit the streets and turned his life around that doesn't mean he's no longer hard or dominant. He's going to show Sara that he is the man for her whether she's ready or not.
“Uhmm when I texted you my apartment number I wasn’t expecting you tonight. I thought it was for our date tomorrow and it’s getting late, so can you just come back tomorrow?”
Putting his massive hand that wasn’t holding the six-pack of beer on her door he gently gave it a small push. Just enough to get her to back up so he could start stepping inside before she shut the door in his face, as he was doing this he spoke.
“Oh I know I just thought as I was driving home that maybe it was better if we get to know each other a little more tonight; to make our date tomorrow less awkward.”
It was a lame excuse but it was all he could think of on the spot. She couldn't believe that he had just pushed his way into her apartment. He was now closing the door behind him and turning the locks. He turned around and walked right up to her as he was speaking, standing closer than what was socially acceptable. In fact he was so close she was breathing in his warm breath as he exhaled and she inhaled. Holding up the six-pack of beer in his left hand, he looked down at her face and grinned.
“Dos XX, what better way is there to get to know someone than sit, relax and talk with a cold beer?”
Sara was standing there gaping at him, she didn’t know what to do or say, what was the social norm in this situation? And as she looked at his dazzling smile and his oh so cute dimples she found her body and her mind were at war. Her body was immediately responding to him, he hadn't even touched her but the look he was giving her was making her body slowly heat and she was starting to feel a low pull in her tummy. And to her utter astonishment she felt herself growing damp, just from the heat coming off his standing too close body, his radiant smile and his I’m gonna eat you up gleam in his eyes. Her mind however was screaming at her “DANGER, DANGER! You need to make this man leave now! You’re not prepared for this; you've only dated one man for pity’s sake.”
Eric saw the war going on inside her head, there were so many emotions flittering around on her face shock, desire, lust, confusion, apprehensiveness. She still hadn’t said anything to him. He knew he shouldn’t but his body was taking over and he couldn’t stop it. He stroked her cheek once, twice then he curled his fingers around her chin tilted her face up more, leaned his head down and placed a soft chaste kiss on her lips. When his lips touched hers he felt what he could only describe as a jolt go through his body. Her lips were soft, perfect and he felt himself instantly grow hard beneath his Levis. He needed to step back slow down or he knew he would be pushing her to hard and too fast.
“I needed that, now let’s go have a beer.”
As he grasped her hand she meekly nodded her head and he began to pull her further into her apartment in search of the kitchen to keep the beer cold. Sara was having an out of body experience. She heard him speak, felt him take hold of her chin and she saw his head start to dip down to kiss her. But she was frozen in her spot she couldn’t move, she didn’t want to move and then their lips touched and she felt a sharp electrical current run straight from her lips to the tips of her breasts to the apex of her thighs.

I received an ARC in exchanged for an honest review.
Rating: 4 Stars
What I loved about this book:
Sara found the courage to pick up the only life that she knew and start over. After a divorce I received an ARC in exchanged for an honest review.
Rating: 4 Stars
What I loved about this book:
Sara found the courage to pick up the only life that she knew and start over. After a 10 year marriage failed, Sara decided to move and start over which also included starting to work. Her boss and friend at her new job Jo-ann accompanies her to an auction where she never expected the sexy, tall man that she laid eyes on to be so crude. Sara is funny, strong, a great friend and isn't afraid to speak her mind at most times.
Eric, my gosh did this one have a mouth on him. At first I found his forwardness to be a little out there but then he grew on me and I loved him. He wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind or take what he wanted. How could you not fall in love with a sexy, single and successful business with a dark past.
Eric pushes his way into Sara's life and their relationship moves quickly. The story kept me intrigued and laughing so that was definitely another plus.
The sex scenes in this book was off the charts. With a man like Eric and his possessive and alpha personality I expected nothing less from his character.
I did feel like the timeline of the story developed a little to quickly. One minute they just met in an auction and the other they are in a relationship. I wanted a little build up.
I recommend this book if you are looking for a good read, with laughter and some erotic sex scenes.
***Favourite Quotes***
Eric: " I hope you don't have any plans you'll have to cancel tomorrow because I'm taking you out to dinner. Now I need your number Sara so I can text you mine. then ill need your address"
"Eric wanted to be known as three things.
1. He was someone you never wanted to mess with.
2. He could get you anything you needed if the price was right.
3. That he was a good fuck."
Eric: " This is what you do to me, I can't remember ever being this hard; I could probably break bricks"
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